
Cafe La Mille (2008-05-09)

Right in the heart of the Daiya shopping arcade in Kichijoji (kanji) is Cafe La Mille, an L-shape skinny restaurant which seems to be full-house most of the time.  Normally we don't go to cafes to have afternoon tea, KL just gets takeaway cakes and have it with coffee at home.  But right now we are operating on the eat-it-while-we-still-can mode as our departure from Japan could be drawing near.

KL ordered the big waffle/icecream plate while I got the Grapefruit iced tea.  KL liked his dessert so much that he is thinking of returning.

Cafe La Mille    Orient Building 1/F, Honchou 1-8-5, Kichijoji    Tel: 0422-20-1552

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