
Mosquito Coil Holder (2004-07-15)

In summer bugs come out in droves.  Mosquitoes are rampant right now.  To combat the problem, Japanese like to burn mosquito coils.  There are special holders for these coils and the most popular ones are shaped like pigs.  There is a small hook dangling from the roof of the holder for one to hang the coil and smoke from the burning coil will come out from the snout and back of the pig. 

We have one at home.  It has been used so many times that a patina of shiny black tar forms on the inside of the pig like lacquer.  I don't burn the coils to repel  mosquitoes because I don't think they really work.  I burn them because their smell is fitting with Japan's summer.  I don't know a better way to explain it but it's like the sea should smell salty and sea-weedy.  Summer here goes so well with the smell of burning mosquito coils.

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