Water Nazi (2011-04-01)
Bottled water was difficult to come by a week ago, nowadays it's even harder because some supermarkets and drug stores that carry bottled water have become Water Nazi. These stores have arbitrarily decided to sell the water to families with children only.In our neighborhood supermarket and drug store, they sell bottled
water at the service counter to people with infant(s) or pregnant
women. What about those who are undergoing treatment for thyroid
ailment or other forms of cancer? Don't they have priority over
kids? I'm sure some law has been broken with such a policy.
You can't sell your product to a certain group and deny it to all
others, it is pure and simple discrimination.
Updates on water
testing: Radioactive iodine level at Kanamachi water
purifying plant was 51 Bq/lt on March 25, 34 Bq/lt on March 26, none detected
on March 27, 28 and 29. Water from faucets in Shinjuku () has
dropped from 18.7 Bq/lt on March 22 to 5.09 Bq/lt on March 30.
Rant: Bottled water that used to support the needs of 20
MILLION people in the greater Tokyo region suddenly disappears because
of 400,000 tsunami victims up north (to send the water to) while at
least four large water-makers (Coca Cola, Suntory, Kirin, Asahi) have
been reported to have increased their production effort to meet the
demands. Nearly three weeks after the earthquake and the shelves
remain empty and bottled water shortage seems to extend all the way
south to Osaka now. It just doesn't make sense.
* Those who are interested in checking the daily updated results of radiation in the air and radioactive iodine in the water in Tokyo region can visit this site (in English) and this (in Japanese).
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