
Cash Coupons (2009-03-17)

KL receives subsidies from his company such as internet connection through Benefit Station which utilizes complicated point system.  He explained to me once how the system works but it just confuses me more, so I don't care how it works, as long as he gets his perks, I'm happy.

My sister Serlina and her husband David are visiting Japan again this year!  Yes, they will arrive in Osaka later today and will tour around Kyoto too till I-don't-remember-when (seriously).  But KL and I will be flying down to Osaka tomorrow (18th) and travel with them till 23rd.  This blog will resume activity after we return from the trip.

What does "Cash Coupons" have to do with our travel?  Well, because of Benefit Station's point system, KL got half price on our accommodation in Osaka and Kyoto, thus saving us heaps of money!  And also through Benefit Station, he gets 3400Yen/US$30 cash coupons delivered by courier every month usable on selected convenience stores and restaurants, thus the title of this post. 

Doesn't make sense?  Tell me about it!

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