
Expensive Food (2004-04-06)

Few people can dispute the fact that Tokyo has some of the most expensive food on the market.  When I was traveling through Japan years ago, I saw a very special kind of beef selling for US$600 a kilo and a musk melon $500.  The economy must be booming then.

I haven't seen such outrageous pricing of late.  But I've still noticed some very expensive food especially fruit that is packaged for gift-giving, and come Fall the first batch of Japanese matsutake, a kind of wild mushroom, will hit the market at roughly $30-$50 EACH mushroom. 

Out of the ordinary foodstuffs in a grocery store, rice and chicken wings are strangely expensive.  A 5-kg bag of rice is about US$23, I've yet to see steeper pricing than that in other parts of the world.  A pack of 8 chicken wings' drumsticks costs nearly $4  and the middle sections of  wings (wingettes) sell for just slightly less.  And why do they always split wings into drumsticks and wingettes and sell them separately here?  There must be a whole bunch of people out there who only like half of a wing and dislike the other half.  Or may be it's a ploy to keep shoppers from realizing that a chicken wing really costs a frigging dollar each.

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