
KL Shows His Love In His Own Way (2007-09-27)

KL is a man of few words and definitely a man of little outward expression of affection.  But that doesn't mean he's not a loving and caring man. 

A weekend when we were out, I asked him if he had a pen because I kept forgetting mine at home and I always need one to take notes of the food we eat or things we see.  The Monday night when he came home from work, he gave me a pen that works as a cell phone strap.  He said, "Now you'll never have to search for a pen" (I always carry the phone in my bag).  I'm so touched!  That is a very thoughtful and caring gesture from him.

I don't know where he got that pen from, I didn't ask, it's not important.  What's important is that this pen carries a lot more meaning than just a writing implement.

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