
Time For A New Phone (2007-12-06)

I'd been using the same cell phone that KL got me since we came to Japan in 1999.  Many people buy new phones as frequently as they buy new wardrobe for a new season, but I am certainly the opposite of that.

My old phone is dorky and even childish-looking, but I don't see anything wrong with that.  I don't need one that can take pictures, my digital camera takes care of that, much more superbly.  I don't need one that can do internet stuff, my computer has a decidedly larger screen.  I definitely do not need one that allows me to listen to music, when do I listen to music on the street?  I seldom even listen to music at home.


Having said all that, Willcom, our carrier, is offering free phones for people like me to update their cell phones.  The new phones (several models to choose from) are all paid for by the company with no increase in monthly fees and no hidden charges whatsoever.  But we do need to stay with them for the next 24 months, that's all.  We don't plan to switch to another company anyway, so the deal seems too good to pass up by KL.  He has a slightly better phone than mine since he updated it once before, but he could certainly use a new one with much better features.  If it were up to me, I would've stuck to my old phone and not bothered with the switch.

Anyway we went to Bic Camera in Yurakucho and signed up for the deal.  Service was prompt, fast and courteous.  Being an illiterate to all things technical, KL did all the set-up, input phone numbers (my old model is so out-dated the staff couldn't transfer the phone numbers in it to the new one), took Daifoo's photo for the screen saver, and even switched over the phone strap.  He is great!

There are many features the phone offers but so far I only know how to use it to make calls, which is the only function I need from any cell phone really.

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