
My Hair Salon Boss Is A Good Person (2007-12-13)

Any person who takes in a stray cat and provides a home for it is a hero in my book.  One such hero is the owner of the hair salon I go to. 

Whenever he goes on a trip, his cat spends the time in the back room in the hair salon so the staff can look after him during the day.  On my last visit to the hairdresser, the cat (forget his name) was there since his master went away for the weekend.  My hairdresser quickly brought him out to show it to me because she knows I love cats.  But the cat got too freaked and squirming to get off, so I couldn't see much of him before she had to take the cat back. 

That's it, end of story.

PS: After this post went up, this black cat sent me an email! First of all, I apologize for mixing up her gender. She tells me she is "a lady" called Jill. Sorry, Jill :( But I was so surprised Jill read my blog too! And it's always great to hear from a cat, that makes me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

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