
Day Two (2008-04-01)

The second day was a public holiday, so KL could join us.  After lunch at my favorite burger joint--Wolfgang Puck Cafe--we set out to the shops that were specially requested by Serlina and David.   Thank you David for treating us lunch!

First stop was Nikon House in Ginza (kanji) because David, a professional photographer, wanted to look at their lenses.  Then it was Questina in nearby Nishi Ginza Department store so my Hello Kitty whore of a sister could load up on Hello Kitty goods.

We then took a train to Omotesando (kanji)to look for the Burberry shop for Serlina to buy a bag which she did.  Then it was time to head back to Shinjuku (kanji) where KL had reserved a private room at Toriyoshi for dinner.

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