
Fun Couple Was Here (2008-03-30)

My sister Serlina and her husband David came to Tokyo on a tour from Hong Kong and spent some extra three days at our place after the tour finished.  It was absolutely wonderful to sightsee and eat with them since they are such great fun to hang around with.

The weather was uncooperative during their stay; it was cold and it rained and rained and rained (at one point 45 hours straight!)  The day they left saw sunny sky and warm weather again!

We took them to the usual spots such as Shinjuku (kanji), Kichijouji, large 100-Yen shop in Kinshijo, Asakusa (kanji) and Ueno (kanji) etc.  Those places have appeared on this blog before, so I won't repeat myself.

After settling at our apartment, we went to Kichijouji to have lunch.  The ramen shop I was gonna take them closed down...:(  We just randomly picked another restaurant to have a light meal since KL was taking us to Gyuu no Tachijin for dinner.  We settled for lunch at Azabu Sabo since their replicas looked enticing.  Well, my ramen was very so-so, nothing to rave about.  David wanted to buy me lunch but I successfully shoved my share down his pocket.

We walked around Kichijouji till it was time to leave for Shinjuku to browse the shops there and then meet up with KL.  Since Serlina's tour already took them to the Hello Kitty store there, I didn't need to. 

We had another delicious BBQ dinner at Gyuu no Tachijin and dessert at Excelsior before catching a taxi home.

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