
David And Serlina, Bye Bye (2008-04-08)

After a whirlwind visit of three days, it's time to say goodbye.  The plan was to take David and Serlina to Satou in Kichijouji for an early lunch before they go, but there simply wasn't enough time. 

So, instead of having matsuzaka beef, they ended up eating homemade pork chop buns and canned corn soup for lunch!  Sorry for the downgrade!

The taxi arrived promptly at 11:40 am to take them and KL to Shinjuku (kanji) station as I watched them leave my sight with tears.

Thank you so much David and Serlina for bringing us gifts and shopping for me (and then refusing to take money for it!).  More importantly, thank you for bringing us joy.  Next time stay longer!  You must!

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