
Efoo's Daily Routine (2009-08-19)

At present Efoo is not domesticated yet, meaning he doesn't follow OUR routine.  He sleeps during the day and wakes up in the middle of the night.  This seems alright if he just does his own things and leave us alone, but he doesn't!  When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he bellows to demand attention so I get up to feed, play and bond with him.  I'm sure some newborns are less demanding than he!

His daily routine is pretty much like clock-work in the following manner:

2 am to 8 am: eat, toilet, play
8 am to 12 pm: sleep
12 pm to 1 pm: eat, toilet, play
1 pm to 7 pm: sleep
7 pm to 10pm: eat, toilet, play
10 pm to 2 am: sleep

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