
Our Water Garden (2004-08-10)

I was fascinated by a report I saw on water garden on the internet recently (NBC's Today Show).  So much so that I wanted to create my own.  Therefore we went out last weekend and bought a plastic container at a 100-Yen shop and the only two kinds of water plants we could find in an entire afternoon.  Until water garden catches on with the Japanese, I'm not hopeful in adding more variety of plants in the container.

There is definitely something about water in a garden or even just a balcony.  Looking at the plants which float on the water with sunlight grazing their leaves is most comforting.

This morning I accidentally left the glass door open and went outside the apartment to check on my vegetables (which are producing heaps of eggplants and capsicums by the way).  I came back and found none other than our strange water-loving cat drinking from the water garden.  Had he been given longer time in the balcony, he would have scooped out as much water as he could with his paws, no doubt about it.

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