
Winter Olympics (2010-03-03)

So, we enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics.  Women's Figure Skating was my favorite event which captivated not only me but Efoo as well as he followed every spin and twirl of the skaters on ice.

Speaking of figure skating, why is Ice Dance there??  I mean, you have the lifts, spins, jumps, footwork, and synchronizing moves etc in Pairs already, I don't understand the purpose of the Ice Dance.  It's like the event is there for the sake of giving out more medals.  And the most important thing is, Ice Dance is an art, it's not a sport.  Dancing of any kind including ballet is not a sport no matter how atheletic the dancers are. 

The TV here broadcast so many hours on curling the first half of the Games that I wanted to curl up and die!  With Japan in the preliminary round playing against nine other countries, you can imagine the hours that event took up on the screen. 

I think in any event of any Olympics, whether it be Winter or Summer, there should only be one medal--Gold-- to one champion.  What does a silver medal mean, that you almost won but not quite? 

In a sporting event, either you win it or you don't.  People usually don't remember the second place winner after a while anyway, much less the third.  Do you remember who took the podium with Carl Lewis in 1988?  Do you remember who stood on Katarina Witt's right side in any year when the medals were awarded? 

Anyway, these are my not-worth-a-dime thoughts.

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