
Turtle Doves (2013-04-01)

Mom says for the past several years there have been turtle doves nesting in the backyard.  Two years ago my parents made a "bowl" out of mesh wire, laid some dry grass in it and put it in a tree.  Sure enough, the birds loved it and have been coming back to lay eggs in it.

When I arrived in Sydney, there were two eggs in the nest and soon after they hatched.  One day mom found a chick on the ground, its feathers still wet.  She called me out to the yard at once and I quickly put it back in the nest.

We tracked the progress of the squabs daily and after a couple of weeks the little birdies grew to a respectable size.  Their parent was a loving and caring provider who came home to feed the youngsters rain or shine. 

One day when a very bad storm hit Sydney with pouring rain, the mother bird came home long before the usual time and stretched open its wings to the fullest to shield her kids against the onslaught of rain. It was an amazing sight.

The kid birds have all grown up and flown away with their mother long before I left Sydney.  It's the best feeling knowing we've lent a hand in helping a mother bird raise her young.

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