
Sony Playstation Portable (2004-11-28)

Sony is launching a new game console called PSP ( Playstation Portable).  The actual date that such units go on sale is not until December 12th, but promotion for the product is high now.  One of their advertising means is to display PSP on walls in major train stations manned by stern-faced guards as if the consoles were gems. 

The display attracts quite a number of people, mostly drawn by the brand new video games gadgets.  I was drawn by the poor guards who have to stand against the wall for the entire day.  They are very professional in their job though, none of them shows any sign of tiredness or boredom.  All of them stay nice and straight the whole time.  They don't blench or move away even when curious passersby crowd around them, who remind me of the guards outside Buckingham Palace.

I guess lots of kids and even adults will ask a PSP for Christmas.  I'm glad playing video games is, and never was my hobby.  These things are very expensive (this particular PSP, for example, costs about US$200 a piece), I'd rather spend the money traveling; may be to see Buckingham Palace.

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