
Tsui Wah, Canton Deli (2015-01-18)

It was again fairly late at night after we checked into our room, so we decided to just grab dinner nearby.  I wanted Tsui Wah's Hainan chicken like the one I had at the airport last year

We went to the Tsui Wah a couple of streets away.  Shock upon shock, they didn't have Hainan chicken on their menu!!!  Whaaaaat....whaaaa....  luckily their fishball noodles is always a safe alternative for me, so I had that which was good.  KL ordered minced beef with raw egg over rice but Tsui Wah screwed it up royally by serving Bolognese instead of Cantonese style meat sauce which left KL seething.  His first meal was ruined.

The next day, we had to eat something excellent to redeem his terrible dinner the night before, so we went to Canton Deli.  Fortunately, the food was very good.  All was well again.

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