
Our First Harvest (2005-06-16)

We had our first harvest of this year a few days ago.  I picked a fat yellow zucchini and capsicum from our garden the other day.  I used them to cook a quick ratatouille style stirfry for dinner and they were just delicious. 

I think growing vegetables is the most rewarding activity one can do in a garden (or just a pot).  And since I use no chemicals on my veggies, these 100% organic crops are even more worth my time growing them.

Hint: To repel bugs, spray twice a day with homemade chili spray.  Fill a bottle with a big handful of chopped extremely hot chili, a dash of vinegar and water.  Let them soak for a few days before straining the liquid into a spray bottle.  I find this spray effective on most veggie bugs.  There will always be some remaining stubborn ones undeterred by the eye-burning spray such as aphids, just remove them by hand frequently in this case; and if you are lucky enough to find a ladybug nearby, transfer it to your veggies.  Hopefully these cute little insects will eat some of those pesky aphids.

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