
Essential Bathroom Item (2005-08-01)

Every Japanese home has a small stool in their bathroom.  People would sit on the stool to wash their hair and body before jumping into the bath for a good soak.  Of course you can stand on your feet while showering, but why stand when you can sit?  Stools (plastic or wooden) are such essential household items that department stores, supermarkets and even 100 Yen shops carry them.

I think the reason Japanese take a shower sitting on a stool on the floor is because their bathrooms are just too small to have a separate shower stall as well as a bathtub.  Our bathroom is so very tiny that we place the stool inside the tub, not on the floor beside it, when we shower.  After a while I find that it is more comfortable having a shower sitting down than standing up.  This is one Japanese custom I can get adapted to.

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