
Christmas In July (2005-08-22)

In Australia where winter is in June to August, a small number of people do "Christmas in July".  These people, mostly descendants or having ties from England, like to celebrate Christmas when the weather is cold to give them that genuine Christmassy feeling.

A few people at work in Sydney did just that and I thought it was neither a good nor bad idea.  If these people want to spend the time and money to cook turkeys and bake pumpkin pies and exchange gifts in July, good for them!

But now I think Christmas in July is a wonderful idea because I got gifts!  I received a package last week from my American mom in which there were presents wrapped in Christmas paper!  I have never received gifts from Santa in the middle of the year and this came as a very nice surprise. 

I don't know if my American mom is pulling some kind of joke on us or what, but this kind of joke is always welcome.  Christmas in July is great!

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