
Fishing In The Lake (2005-11-15)

KL and I woke up early in the morning, still reeling from lingering jet lag (It would eventually take our body six days to adjust to US clock).  It was only eight o'clock when we had finished taking a shower and got dressed.  The house was quiet, nobody had gotten up yet.  We decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and enjoyed the fresh air.

This exclusive community is situated in a woodland.  Most of the houses we saw were surrounded by tall trees and shrubbery.  Bruce's house was no exception, there were even hickory trees skirting the two sides of it.  We found lots of hickory nuts on the ground.  I picked one up, cracked it open with a brick and had my first taste of hickory nut. 

The nippy morning prevented us from taking a long walk.  We got back into the house and waited for our friends to get up.  Elizabeth was the first to come downstairs to let Lulu out for her bathroom break, followed shortly by Bruce who proceeded to fix us breakfast. It was during this time that we discovered they made toast in a sheet pan in the oven even though they had a toaster, their butter came in a squirt bottle, we had a choice of eating brown or white eggs, and the cream for coffee was hazelnut flavored in an ergonomic container.  Their two dogs, a feisty little black and white Lulu and a calm and solid Nellie hovered around the kitchen table looking for tasty morsels.

After breakfast, Bruce and KL went to his office for a bit while Robbie and I had a nice chat in the balcony upstairs outside the kitchen.  I liked sitting in the swing chair, it was fun.  When the boys returned, we fixed ourselves a sandwich for lunch and Bruce suggested going down to the lake to go fishing.  I had never done fishing in a canoe, so I was quite excited.

Since the lake was for residents' use only, it was pretty quiet on a Tuesday afternoon.  Bruce's brother and his nephew were there too, plus a few other people.  Robbie and KL stayed ashore chatting and watching Bruce and I fish.  It could get wobbly getting into the canoe, but I managed.  Hooking the wriggly worm on the hook was something I couldn't manage, KL and Bruce both had to help.  I was such a sissy.  At the end I caught two breams, Bruce none.  Definitely beginner's luck!

After the fun in the lake, Bruce drove us to see their community's recreation center while his little nephew played in the playground.  We didn't stay for long before Bruce took the kid home and Robbie, KL and I stole a treasured moment in life lounging on the couch in the veranda chatting and reminiscing on that unusual balmy October afternoon.

Around 7 pm, we had a delicious dinner from Outback, brought home by Chase.  We did a whole lot more chatting in the living room afterwards before calling it the night.  It was a day that would remain in my memory for a very long time.

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