
Moving House Is Easy For The Cats (2006-12-31)

The house we got for Mama Cat and her kids are really small due to miscalculation on our part.  The house is just big enough for two cats, and when all three of them try to squeeze into it, they end up piling on top of each other in a semi-vertical fashion.

Our kind-hearted neighbor Mrs Y heard me mention how the cats were fighting for shelter in the house on one rainy day and instantly offered to lend me her dog kennel.  She used to have a dog who died long time ago and the kennel's just sitting beside the house gathering dust.  I happily accepted the offer and the kennel was delivered to our apartment recently with the help of her friend.

Being an ultra nice lady that Mrs Y is, she cleaned the kennel thoroughly with detergent and bleach the day before.  She also brought over a bunch of clean bath towels for lining the interior of the kennel.  I'm so impressed!

Now the cats have twice as much room as before in their new dig.  Moving houses can't get any simpler for them cause humans did all the hard work.

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