
Christmas Presents (2006-12-27)

Got our Christmas presents from my American parents like we do every year five days before Christmas. You don't know how hard it's been resisting the urge to open them before Monday.  Up until last year we've been opening our gifts as soon as they arrived (hehehe), but this year KL insisted we wait. 

I love the act of OPENING pressies more than the pressies themselves.  I know Christmas is not about gifts and Christmas trees, but I'll have to admit that tearing open the wrapping paper to reveal a present from someone who likes/loves you enough to give it to you is just so much fun.

My sister also sent me a little something even though I've abandoned gift exchanging with her several years ago due to bad experiences with the Australian postal service.  The things she sent me are all our favorites, even Daifoo got a pack of cat food.  My sister is just so thoughtful and sweet! 

It's nice to know that we are looooved. 

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