
Korean BBQ (2007-05-17)

Hannodaidokoro is a Korean BBQ restaurant in busy Shibuya (kanji).  During Golden Week they had super value lunch sets on their menu which we sampled.  The marinated meat was delicious although it's quite fatty.  There's something about barbequing at the table and eating freshly grilled pieces of meat with steamed rice.  I just love it.

We also ordered a Shrimp Chijimi (Korean pancake) which was so bad that we didn't finish it.  Unlike the traditional thin crispy Chijimi, this one was super thick and mealy.  I felt like I was chewing on raw batter made of flour and water, it was an unpleasant feeling.

Hannodaidokoro     2-29-8 Dougenzaka Center Building 4F,  Dougezaka Shibuya     Tel. 03-5489-7655

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