
Daifoo Whines (2007-09-07)

I've asked Daifoo to write today's post cause I've got some last minute packing for our trip.  At 3 pm, I'll take him to the vet's before we head to the airport.  Sydney, here we come!!

Hi guys!  You know which season I hate most?  Autumn.  It's at this time that my masters go on their merry holiday and leave me behind.  I hate it when I can't see them everyday, I hate it more when I have to be locked up in the stupid cage at the stupid vet's.  Although I'm let out of the cage in the afternoon when the clinic's closed, I dunno what I'm gonna do this time with their new cat, Bobo the Kanban Neko, roaming freely.  I definitely do NOT want to be around her.  Because SHE'S A GIRRRRRRL!

When I was young, my master took me to this stupid vet and just left me there.  All I remember was being drugged and the rest is a blur.  I dunno what they did to me, but when I woke up, it felt different down there.  Ever since then, I've lost interest in females.  Miss Kitty who lived nextdoor used to look hot, but suddenly she just became as insipid as a dish rag.  Those humans play tricks on us cats I'm sure.  There's something sinister about vets, I think they're major accomplices in the plots against us.

I'm gonna hate the clinic even more today.  I don't want to be walking around there with a girl on my tail.  She's got funny color eyes too.  I just hope she doesn't sniff my butthole 'cause that's embarrassing.  What if other cats see us?!

Even though I will miss my masters terribly when they are gone, I never tell them so.  I pretend I'm really mad and don't care if they come back or not, this way they'll feel guilty leaving me at home.  It gets the Woman every time.

Pawed by Daifoo
September 7, 2007 

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