
Crappy Pot (2008-06-03)

This is perhaps not the best time to be buying more kitchen stuff, what with the possible moving out and all.  BUT, I really really do need a mid-sized pot.  So far I've been cooking soup, congee (for two) and small amount of stew in the wok which turns the soup and sauce blackish brown, a color KL whines and whines and whines about.  Of course I can always use the pressure cooker instead of the wok, but I just don't feel like cooking two servings of food in a big ol' pot.  Period.

I found a dirt cheap 18-cm pot on one night and thought what the heck, I'd get that.  I might take it with me when we move (what's another kilo when I plan to bring the other nine million kilos of kitchen stuff to our next destination?) or I might throw it out.  For 18 bucks (free shipping), oh, let me indulge myself!

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