
Le Creuset Lookalike (2008-07-27)

I've been eyeing this cast iron pot for months.  They only come on sale once in a blue moon and I missed out the last two times due to various reasons, so when this sale rolled around, I made sure I got to the store pronto.

From the picture, it's obvious this pot is not a Le Creuset, or a Staub or a Chasseur; however it has all the properties and heft of a Le Creuset without the price tag.  At an on sale price of about 1/6 of a Le Creuset, I'd rather have this Chinese-made, Japanese-produced pot.  At least I know if the enamel chips off like my genuine Le Creuset did in Sydney, I can just toss it away without feeling pain.

KL thinks buying this pot is like buying a fake LV or Rolex.  When I asked him to help me find a red color pot (they come in three colors) at the store, he sneered "I will not be a part of this!" and walked off in disgust.

I don't think buying this pot is like patronizing a counterfeit business.  These pots have an eye-catching difference from Le Creuset pots in their knobs and the name "Le Creuset" is not engraved on the lid .  The makers aren't trying to pass off their pots as the expensive counterparts in any obvious or subtle way.  In fact there are genuine Le Creuset pots stacked side by side to these generic cast iron pots as if the store wants customers to compare the brand name with the "no-frill" products.

I'm gonna make some of KL's favorite dishes in this pot and see if he still doesn't want "to be a part of this".

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