
Geriatric Daifoo (2009-06-29)

Daifoo's chronic kidney disease is suddenly deteriorating fast. (WEEP WEEP WEEP T_T)

He's become weak and dropped a lot of weight in a matter of weeks.  After not eating anything for one full day, I took him to the vet.  At the clinic he went through another round of CBC (Complete Blood Count) and of course he screamed his lung out till the vet finished drawing his blood.

Then the doctor stuck a catheter into his penis to collect urine for analysis, followed by echo of the bladder.  It's very sad to see him suffer and hiss and growl and struggle through it all, my heart ached.

The prognosis from all these tests is pretty predictable though.  That Daifoo has worsening kidney problem with no treatment, and that he'll become weaker and weaker as time passes till it's goodbye.

All we can do at the moment is to keep up his nutrition intake.  I'm administering liquid diet through a syringe to him four times a day.  The vet says one day it may have to be done through the vein or under the skin through a needle.  You have no idea how I dread the coming of that day.

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