
Maison de la Bourgogne (2010-04-23)

Maison de la Bourgogne gives me the impression of a pretty authentic French bistro in that two of its three floor staff (a Japanese and a westerner) speak fluent French (the third one speaks not-quite-fluent French) and its patrons make up of actual French people.  Such is the case when KL and I were there for lunch one day.  A Frenchman sitting next to us was conversing with the staff the entire time he ate his Lunch Special.

Lunch Special for the weekend goes for 2000 Yen (US$22) which includes a choice of appetizer and entree (main) from their regular menu.  Since entrees are mostly 1800 to 1900 Yen, they are practically throwing you a free appetizer.

We both opted for the beet and shrimp salad with pesto dressing which was light and refreshing.  For my entree, the roast duck breast arrived rare on a warm plate served over a bed of hot roasted vegetables with burdock sauce.  The duck was flavorful and the sauce was tasty but the meat was TOUGH, very very tough!  What a shame.

KL's roast lamb was far more tender (I did steal a bite) but its gaminess is not my thing.  He also ordered a chocolate gateau with cassis coulis which was hard as a rock, very disappointing.

We'd still like to return some day, but I'd definitely be giving the duck breast a miss.

Maison de la Bourgogne           Shinjuku (kanji)-ku, Kagurazaka 3-6-5, Via building 1/F (東京都新宿区神楽坂3-6-5) Via神楽坂1F        Tel: 03-3260-7280

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