
Opera From Dalloyau (2010-05-03)

One great thing about living in Tokyo is the accessibility to many globally renowned food shops; bakeries and patisseries in particular:  Pierre Herme, Laduree, Robuchon, Paul, and Peck etc, just to name a few.

Dalloyau, another import from France, is well-known for their signature cake, Opera--a seven-layered coffee and chocolate cake.  We didn't like the bread we got there, perhaps we would like the Opera, so KL went to buy one for us to try.

The cake comes in small or large size, we got the small for 1575 Yen/US$17.  I thought it'd be taller than the flat little thing sitting in its elegant box.  Bitter chocolate is the dominating flavor with a very faint hint of coffee.  In fact, if you don't concentrate, you may lose that taste altogether.

The cake was good I suppose, but not something I'd rush out to get a second one any time soon.

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