
Paris Half-day City Tour (2010-12-02)

Like in London, our package included a half-day city tour.  The meeting time was 9:50am at a square in front of the Louvre.  Although it's quite close to our hotel, not knowing how long it'd take to get there, we thought we would make an early start.

At 9am (thinking rush hour should be pretty over), we went to the station.  BUT.....why's it so crowded?  The platform's packed! 

The train came, half the crowd pushed and squeezed and got in (nobody queues like Japanese do in Tokyo).  We of course left out.  Man....   I started to worry, what if it's the same the next one?

The next train came very quickly.  This time we weren't so polite, we fought to get in like others did and we succeeded!  Then maybe 50 other passengers got in after me and we were all packed into the door area literally like sardines in a can.  I whispered to KL,"I'm kinda standing on one leg only." which was no exaggeration.  I thought Yamanote (kanji) Line in the morning was bad, this is worse!

I don't even remember how we managed to get off at our stop, I was just too relieved we got off in one piece, both shoes still attached to our feet and wallets not pick-pocketed!

Today's pictures were taken when we walked around the square and the Louvre before the tour bus came.

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