
HK-Day 8 (2011-05-09)

April 16.

Serlina and I had made plans to spend the day eating and shopping, our last chance to do so before KL and I flew back to Tokyo the next day.  But she called it off at the last minute to spend the day with other people.  SO, KL and I were left to enjoy our last full day in Hong Kong ourselves.

I was gonna take Serlina to Pantray to have burgers for lunch, now without her, we were still going of course but Pantray closed down!  T_T  Searching openrice, we turned to Burgeroom which has excellent reviews.

Oh man, the burgers were soooooo not impressive. The thick marinated patty reminded me of eating meatloaf (there's bits of onion, herbs and other stuff in it)!  There's no charcoal or flame grill flavor but the bun was soft and the meat pretty juicy.  All in all, a very mediocre burger, totally not worth making a trip there.

More last minute shopping followed lunch and our last dinner was back in Tsim Sha Tsui eating one of my favorite food: mud crab. (to be continued tomorrow)

Burgeroom          7 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay

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