
Christmas Came Early This Year (2004-11-08)

For the past fifteen years we have been exchanging Christmas presents with my American parents, the couple who opened their house to me the first year I lived in the US.  This year my American Mom went to the post office early intending to send the package by ship.  But she found out the postage was not a whole lot cheaper than sending it by air so she mailed us our gifts via airmail.

As a result, we got our presents on Oct 29, nearly two months before Christmas.  There's no way in heck KL and I were going to wait eight weeks to open our gifts, we just aren't that strong-willed.  Plus I figure the sooner you open the gifts, the sooner you can use them.  That's our way of saying how MUCH we appreciate the gifts we receive.  Are you reading this, Mom and Dad?

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