
Our New Heater (2004-11-11)

We went to Bic Camera in Shinjuku (kanji) to get a heater last week.  The one we inherited from KL's friend five years ago still works but running it is like setting off a locomotive going in circles behind the heating tubes.  The noise is so horrendously loud I expect angry people in houses two streets away to come knock on our door every time I turn it on.

Heaters were on sale the day we went to the store and we got one that's almost 60% off its original price.  The moment we finished paying at the counter, the cashier called a staff from behind her who immediately took the heater to a "table" next to the line of customers at the counter.  The table is actually a wrapping station.  Nylon straps are flung out from either side of the table with the push of a button and they automatically tighten around the box which is placed on the table.  The staff then put a plastic handle between the straps and cushioned it with layers of bubble wrap, hence making a comfortable handle for us to hold.  The whole process was done in just a matter of minutes.  The staff then handed us the heater with both hands with a hearty smile and a bow.  You have got to love the service here!

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