
Disneyland (2005-07-17)

Disneyland  in Hong Kong will be opened in September this year and I suppose many Japanese will be flocking to the brand new theme park once it is open for business (and it's not like there isn't one here in Tokyo).  I can understand a 6-year-old kid being attracted to Disney's catchy It's-A-Small-World tune and all those rodent-theme rides, but full-grown adults?  What are couples in their 30's and 40's doing inside Disneyland?  I can think of a hundred places which do not charge admission fee upwards of US$40 per adult for people to enjoy their time together.

That said, the more visitors to HK's Disneyland the better.  It will boost tourism in Hong Kong and it makes me happy to see good things happen in my former country.  

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