
Clean means of transport (2004-03-17)

Someone is doing their job right keeping the various means of public transport nice and clean here in Tokyo. The exterior of buses are clean and the interior spotless. The upholstered seats always look very new and there's no trash on the floor, thanks to the driver who sweeps the inside of the bus at the terminal before he gets off himself.

You never see any graffiti on trains and they too have cushiony seats. The occasional piece of garbage left on the train gets taken away swiftly by cleaning staff.

I have yet to see a rundown car in Tokyo. Every vehicle on the road is truly road-worthy, never tatty. Even the garbage trucks are shiny like they have just rolled out of a garbage truck maker's lot. Seldom do you see a rickety bicycle on the streets, in fact you do often see them looking like brand new.
Yes, transportation cost is not cheap in Japan, but the comfort of riding in a clean train or bus is well worth it.

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