
Bears (2005-07-30)

My favorite animal is cat.  Second on the list is panda.  Their cute little black ears, eyes, nose and that thin black line on the mouth which makes them look like they are forever smiling is indescribably adorable.  And that fat band of black fur in the upper body just looks so invitingly huggable.

In fact I like bears in general, because they look like panda.  Big ones, small ones, polar bears, grizzly bears; you name it, I love it. (Grizzly also happens to be the mascot for my high school in California, may be that helps to form my interest in bears).

Chinese people who stuff bears in cages too small for the animals to even stretch their bodies and then hack off their paws to sell them for big bucks are the filthiest shit-sucking scumbags in the world.  I hope these people as well as those who EAT bear paws die a violent and agonizing death, then they can rot in hell, get cleft to bits and burned to a pile of ashes so bear ghost can shit on it.

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