
Metro Cards Collection (2005-08-14)

KL is not a collector of anything, never has been.  When he was a kid and his friends were collecting things as a hobby such as stamps, shells and toy cars etc,  KL was busy watching TV and daydreaming.  Then in his teenage years, he was busy playing soccer in the park and again, daydreaming.

A couple of years ago, he started SAVING his used subway metro cards.  He didn't intend to collect them as a hobby, he was just holding on to them a while longer before he threw them out.  As time passes, he ends up with a whole bunch of them unwittingly.  With the increased number of cards, he feels like he's got a collection going there and just keeps on saving them.

Many of these cards are actually quite pretty.  I like the cat ones the best, and those with the cartoon drawings aren't bad either.  I will show you some of his collection today.

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