
Hospital Visit (2006-10-09)

  There's a small setback in my health which required me to have some tests done at a hospital.  The local doctor who's been treating my problem referred me to the hospital closest to my residence.  I posed no objection to his recommendation since I know nothing about any other hospitals in other suburbs, I might as well go to one that requires little travel time.

This particular hospital is fairly small and quite old.  The entire building is (as of today) covered with a gray tarp thing which indicates some kind of renovation being carried out.  The interior shows signs of wear and tear, the walls are old which need a dire paint job, the doors to most rooms have chipped paint and the floor covering isn't faring any better either.

I spotted a total of three English words (Information, Calculate, Revisit) in the hospital, all other signage and paperwork I got are in Japanese and nobody spoke English.  So I gather it is a facility aimed at serving the local people and not the international clientele.   The service is efficient and fast and the hospital runs on a very smooth and organized fashion.  You are told to go to one room, get the test you need, then get directed to the next station, drop your file in the designated slot from which somebody will immediately snap up the content.  This room hopping procedure continues until you are done for the day, and the last station you are directed to is the cashier desk, at which you pay your bill and go home.

While the workers in the service industry are almost always courteous and amicable, quite a few of the staff at this hospital is not.  They are curt but not rude, unsmiling but not unprofessional.  They are efficient to the point of being stiff and robotic.  The technician who gave me an Echogram was like a schoolmarm.  Her authoritative tone put me right back to the time when I was a timid 4th grade student.  When she said she was going to put some gel on my body where I was to receive the Echogram,  I hadn't expected it to be hot.  The squirt of hot gel nearly startled me out of the bed!  A little forewarning from her would've been nice. 

I can't quite use the term "caring" or "friendly" on the few workers I encountered, but they were not hostile either.  Fortunately my doctor is pretty nice.  But hey,  I just wanted to have my tests and treatment and get the heck out,  I don't care if they treated me like another number.

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