
Chocolife (2007-05-31)

Meiji just launched a series of special flavor chocolate called Chocolife.  Naturally I had to try, hehe.  There are like a dozen flavors mostly fruit oriented, but I saw one that combines soy milk with chocolate.  Mmmm, soy and chocolate... no thanks.  I got a pack of mikan (Japanese mandarin) and a pack of cassis, my favorite currant.

The Chocolife has all the creaminess and smoothness of milk chocolate, but the fruit flavor is so strong that it overpowers all chocolateness completely.  If eaten blind-folded, you would not be able to identify the chocolate component in this piece of candy.  This kind of defeats the purpose of eating chocolate in the first place, doesn't it?

Chocolife is a novelty thing and I'm over it already.

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