
Mulberry Tree (2004-06-08)

There is a mulberry tree in front of our nextdoor neighbor's apartment.  I first showed you its picture on March 9th.  During winter it has not a single leaf on its scraggy branches.  Every year fresh healthy leaves start to appear in Spring and by June, it will have completely transformed into a lush green bush.  Have you ever eaten mulberries?  The fully tree-ripen fruits which resemble raspberries are absolutely sweet and delicious.  How do birds and nectar-sucking insects miss them I'll never know.  These fruits don't stay on the tree too long, once they turn from green to red to dark purple, they fall on the ground and become mushy and wasted.

Our hermit-like neighbors seldom venture out of their apartment, much less standing on the street picking berries.  So nearly everyday I've been picking fresh mulberries and eating them as snacks.  They are free,fresh, juicy, sweet and all-natural; beats supermarkets' imported raspberries or blueberries by an easy mile.

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