
Rainy Season (2004-06-07)

Rainy season has entered the Kanto area where Tokyo is situated.  It usually lasts for a month when it rains nearly everyday.  On days when it doesn't rain, it is often overcast.  We usually do not get pouring rain, just the constant steady rainfall or drizzle, thank goodness for small favor.

The biggest headache for me, and many other homemakers, during this time is doing the laundry.  Since clothes dryers are not nearly as common a household appliance as they are in many western countries, hanging out the washing on a line in the balcony is still very much part of everyday chore.  Our balcony is too open at the top to keep rain water out.  So when it rains constantly, I have no choice but to hang the washing indoors.  I've made a makeshift whirligig by hanging a piece of string with a large knot at the end on the rail in the tiny loft in the tatami room.  I can then hook the square plastic hanger on the knot which will enable me to hang clothes on its multiple pegs.  Rainy season also means high humidity.  Clothes hung this way takes more than a full day to dry so to speed up the process, I aim the fan on full power at the washing which inadvertently makes it go round and round.  Thus my own whirligig.

Clothes never dry properly this way though, they always have a musty smell no matter how long you leave them hanging in the room.  I'm glad rainy season is short-lived.  I can't stand putting on smelly clothes. It's not nice.

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