
Fate Day (2004-10-18)

On every 3rd, 13th and 23rd day of the month, the one-way street outside our local supermarket is closed for traffic so that hawkers can set up stalls.  These stalls also extend to the foreground of the temple across the supermarket.  These market days are called Fate Day (Ennohi) by the temple. 

There are usually twenty or so hawkers on any given Fate Day selling mostly old stuff of garage-sale quality.  There will be a few vendors selling new things such as kitchen gadgets, hats and fabrics.  Plants are popular among browsing people as they are cheaper than those in the nurseries.  Food stalls are also common but they usually lack customers and the food just sits on the carts looking stale.

Why are those market days called Fate Day?  So, if you buy a second-hand shirt or a used bowl from the market, does it mean it is fate that you should end up with a piece of junk that day?  Perhaps they should rename those days Duped Day.

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