
The Governor Wants To Sell You Juice (2007-06-09)

Ever since the former TV entertainer Sonomanma Higashi was elected governor of Miyazaki Prefecture in January 2007, his popularity soared even higher.  His face is now on the packages of several food products to help promote local food from Miyazaki.

One such food item is the juice you see in the picture which was picked up by KL on a business trip in Kyushu.  The juice is made from a fruit called Hyuganatsu which I have absolutely no idea what it is.  The juice is surprisingly pale and sweetened with honey.  It's not great, but not bad.

It's too early to say whether Mr Higashi is a good governor for Miyazaki or not, but he's proven to be a good salesman because the prefecture has already seen a jump in the sale of its products thanks to his cartoonish face on the packages.

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