
Ashiato and Tabibito (2004-03-05)

Ashiato in Japanese means footprint and tabibito means traveler. I had wanted to name my site Ashiato, but the name's been used, so I settled for the current one.

I have lived in Tokyo for over four years and I still feel like a tourist sucking up the sights and sound of this country. There is always a new spot to check out or a new restaurant to try out. If it is Japanese, you will be sure it is interesting.

Countless objects and people provide an endless stream of picture-taking opportunity. We can spend hours moseying along any suburb just to see how the locals spend their days and snapping pictures like two excited tourists.

We are so lucky to be able to call this country home and yet living everyday like it's a great big exotic vacation. Life doesn't get any better than that. I hope we can continue to be tabibito and live many more ashiato behind us in our journey in Japan.

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