
Getting My New Visa (2004-06-05)

Yesterday I went to the Immigration Office to pick up my visa which I applied for a renewal two weeks ago.  There are frequent buses that go directly from Shinagawa Station (kanji) to the Office, so it's relatively hassle-free to get there.  Once I arrived there, I went straight to the designated counter as instructed in the notification postcard I received a few days ealier in the mail.  The line wasn't too long and it moved quickly.  When it was my turn, the officer took my passport, gave me a form to sign and told me to get "Revenue Stamps" as payment for the visa and re-entry permit.

As only Japan would have done it, where do you think people have to go to buy those stamps?  Where else but the good ol' convenience store which is located on the first floor of the building.  There is a counter in the middle of the AM/PM store with a huge sign above it that tells you the cost for different kinds of Revenue Stamps.  I got the ones I needed and went back upstairs to the officer.  The stamps were just a tad bigger than postal stamps ( Darn it, I forgot to take their pictures!) and I had to stick them on the form that I signed earlier.  After that the officer gave me a number ticket and told me to wait to be called.  I only waited ten minutes before I heard my number.  I went to the counter and a different officer returned my passport with a renewed visa and re-entry permit.  The whole process was quick and simple.  The stamp-buying part at the convenience store is sort of amusing.  Who would have thought that a convenience store would have anything to do with an Immigration Department issuing visas?

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