
A Psychotic Cat In The Midst (2007-11-30)

If there's such thing as feline schizophrenia, I'm sure this cat who lurks around Mrs Y's house has it.  He--I'm assuming it is a male, but there's no way anyone can get close to it to verify-- used to live in the family nextdoor to Mrs Y, but he was thrown out of the house a few years ago.  The heartless owner occasionally leaves some leftover human food out for the cat, but it is mostly Mrs Y who is feeding him real cat food.  I know the cat has a major mental issue, but that's no way to treat your pet.  Once adopted, it's for life, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.  I believe this commitment is more important in human-animal relationship than human-human relationship.  Well, but I digress.

What makes this cat so psychotic is its seemingly friendly facade that quickly and suddenly turns into a menacing attacking machine out of nowhere.  One minute you are patting his head which he seems to enjoy immensely, the next minute he'd turn around and PRETEND to walk away only to make an 180 degree turn and clamp onto your forearm with his iron claws and start kicking and biting!  There is no warning and no sign of his change of temperament beforehand.  In fact he always looks happy the moment before he becomes ferocious.

KL and I both got attacked by him a fortnight ago.  All I did was merely trying to take its pictures which he seemed to enjoy at first.  Then he just locked onto my arm and started biting!  I told KL that night what the cat did but he obviously didn't think it was something he should be alarmed of. 

The following day he went outside and saw the cat.  The cat looked really happy to see him, came running toward him and wrapped himself around KL's leg.  This is how the cat behaves when he sees you, he pretends to like you to get your guard down!

Just when KL was squatting down to pat the cat, it turned around and attacked him!  This time, he ain't gentle like he was with me, he bit and kicked with full force on KL's arm!  The scratches and amount of blood from his bites were horrendous.  Even after this, KL holds no grudges against the cat.  He says the cat can't help it or perhaps all this anger and hostility is a manifestation of a traumatic childhood.  Who knows how his former owners (mis)treated him.

We are scared to even go close to the cat now.  You just don't know when he'll turn from a happy Garfield to an evil Fred Krueger.  Perhaps he's not just schizophrenic, he's bipolar too.

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