
Dinner And Dessert In Kichijoji With Samuel (2008-05-02)

We were at the door of Toriyoshi where we planned to have dinner with Samuel, but being a Saturday without a rezzie, we couldn't get a table.  We went to a couple more restaurants and the situation was the same. Finally, Samuel suggested going further away such as Kichijoji (kanji) to try our luck.  He even suggested the izakaya there we took him a year before, and that's how we ended up eating at the restaurant you see in the picture. (I have no clue how to say its name)

Food was much better than we recalled.  The grilled chicken was juicy and well seasoned, the fried food was crispy and fresh.  All in all, it was a great dinner.  After dinner, KL "suggested" Samuel treat us cakes at Lemon Drop which opens till the unusual late hour of 10pm.  I was too full to want even tea but then realized that the restaurant forbids "non-eating" customers, so I had to get a pot of peach tea while the boys got cakes.  Thanks for buying, Samuel!

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