
Donatello's Gelato (2008-08-10)

KL and I had each a cup of gelato in a fancy gelato shop, Yogorino, in itocia which I didn't take any pictures of.  Besides being WAY TOO SWEET (which is unusual here), the texture is not quite right.  Their gelato is stretchy like Turkish icecream.  If you've had Turkish icecream before, you'll know what I mean.  If you haven't, imagine icecream that's like a super soft chewing gum that you can pull and pull but doesn't break off.  This is the distinguishable feature of Turkish icecream and is not necessarily a bad thing, but in an Italian gelato?  Not too good.

The subject of this post is however the gelato from Donatello's.  The one we went to is located in the basement food section of Matsusakaya department store in Ueno (kanji).  I was too full from lunch so only KL had a cup of refreshing sorbet from which I stole two bites.  Although we didn't have their gelato this time, we ate enough in the past to know it is far better and much more affordable than Yogorino.

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