
Doggie wardrobe (2004-03-10)

After yesterday's depressing rain and overcast day, this morning saw sunny blue sky with slight breeze. Though still chilly, a beautiful day nonetheless. So I decided to go for a walk in our neighborhood park. In less than ten minutes into my walk, I saw the first pooch in its doggie outfit. I saw four dogs in total today, every single one clothed.

You can say Japanese are big on dressing up their pets. Owners as well as their costume-clad doggies used to give me a good laugh because I just thought they(the dogs, not the owners, though not always the case) looked so silly. Now I think they(always the dogs) are so cute. Christmas time is the season to spot the trendy dogs. Many will be decked out in fashionable red, some will even sport a Santa hat. There are of course your usual Burberry doggie capes and Louis vuitton collars on display. This is Tokyo afterall, anything less would be unthinkable.

Sometimes canine wardrobe can be more than a fashion statement. Tokyo's winter is frigid and harsh, I believe a doggie sweater is more than a frippery that serves its owner's attempt at vanity; it is actually practical.

We don't have a dog, we have a cat. Do I dress him? Absolutely. What can I say? I am vain.

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